
The Difference is Black and White!

Longbikes recumbents and tandems Longbikes Eliminator Longbikes Gulfstream Longbikes Slipstream

Longbikes News

March 23, 2016

That's a long stretch between news reports. Not much news to report other than we are alive and well. Like other bike manufacturers we have our fingers in more than one pie. Often you need to prioritize things in life, which I have done the past few years. I have focused on designing and building new products for the wheelchair industry and paying little attention to the bikes. From a business perspective, a necessary thing to do and it has worked out. Now that the wheelchair products are doing OK I am back to paying more attention to the bike side. We have a batch of Slipstreams and some Eliminators welded and ready to powder coat, let us build one for you. The Longbikes site may not have been touched in years, but we are here to serve you, so pick up the phone and call.

If you want to see what else we do and or know someone with Cerebral Palsy who depends on a wheelchair, check out that side of the business; www.seatingdyanmics.com

November 16, 2011

We have started doing something we have wanted to do for years, building Slipstream frames now — with others to follow — to be ready for next year. We want to be able to make deliveries much quicker than ever before and we are well on our way. If you are thinking about a new Longbikes ride, we can help make sure you get in a full season.

July 24, 2011

We are going to be adjusting our prices on August 15th. See the new prices here.

June 13, 2011

Here are some photos of our booth and customers at the Rocky Mountain Bicycle Festival.

These photos are also available on our Facebook page.

June 10, 2011

Come see us at the 4th annual Rocky Mountain Bicycle Festival, in Denver, CO, this weekend, June 11 & 12, at INVESCO Field. This event is free.

This year's event will feature some of the most interesting companies in the cycling industry, including Longbikes, as well as free sports clinics, GoldSprints, movies, a kid's riding course and games/art corner, the Cruiser Jamboree, free yoga, massage, and more.

According to Festival Director Carol Johnson, "Boulder-based Green Guru will be accepting old tubes, wetsuits and climbing rope that they reclaim and turn into everything from leashes to luggage. Ron from King Cage will be showing people how he makes his world-famous titanium and steel bottle cages. We'll have great custom framebuilders, non-profit groups and niche companies like Hüdz Enhancement Brake Hoods there as well."

"The Rocky Mountain Bicycle Festival is about finding a way to get everyone on bikes," said Johnson.

The Denver Century Ride will also start and finish at the Festival, and host a community ride on Saturday for riders of every level.

The RMBF is FREE and open 10am - 6pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Parking lot M at INVESCO Field (map). Visit Rocky Mountain Bicycle Festivals website for more information.

April 23, 2011

There is now a Longbikes account on Twitter. When you post your Longbikes-related tweets, add @longbikes to link to our account page. Note that you can also click the Twitter button at the bottom of any page to tweet your friends about that page.

Speaking of buttons, in addition to Twitter we also have buttons for Facebook and many of the other social networks at the bottom of each page. Click on them and help us get the out the word about Longbikes!

February 7, 2011

An article on Livestrong.com names the Longbikes Slipstream as the best long wheelbase recumbent, quoting Bent Rider Online that the Slipstream is a "touring bike without equal." Here's more from the article (you can read the full piece here):

Best Recumbent Bikes


"A novel bicycle has been built in London which has been pronounced 'as comfortable as a rocking chair' and which shows remarkable mechanical ingenuity," proclaimed a review in "The Latest in Cycles." Although modern cyclists consider the recumbent bike a new innovation, the above review was published in 1905. Although technology has improved considerably in the century since those words were written, the comfort and mechanical ingenuity of recumbents remain largely unchanged.


Best Long Wheelbase

The Longbikes Slipstream is a "touring bicycle without equal," according to website Bent Rider. The Slipstream features a fully-adjustable "Hip Hinge" seat that offers tilt, back recline and a rotating seat bottom for total comfort. Components include a combination of Shimano LX and Dura-Ace in the drivetrain, a Velocity wheelset, and front and rear Avid disc brakes. Although you can use the Slipstream as a commuter, it is designed for longer adventures. The Longbikes Slipstream retails for $2,795 as of early 2011.

January 22, 2011

Lots of changes going on with our website over the last couple of days:

  • Many minor cosmetic and usability fixes, including making certain that links go where they should, and that pages all have the same "look and feel."
  • Under the surfice, we're endeavoring to upgrade the site from top to bottom. For you the visitor, this should mean that the site leads faster, is easier to navigate, is easier to find using search engines, and is more compatibile with whatever browser you're using.
  • We've added a Search page.
  • We've now got a page on Facebook. Link your Facebook account to ours, upload your photos, post your Longbikes experiences, ask a question, and keep up with the latest from Longbikes.

We're attempting to inject these changes into the site gradually and carefully, to avoid disruption as much as possible. As work progresses, we'll be adding functionality — along with some bells and whistles that should make the site more user-friendly. If you come across anything that doesn't look right or work the way you expect, drop us a line.

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