Longbikes Reviews
Slipstream reviews
Warren Jones
I received my Slipstream from Longbikes in May of 2008. Greg and Therese worked with me to get the bike done quickly so that I could ride it on a 4 day, 330 mile fund raising ride. I built up the bike myself the first night after receiving it and was running errands around town the next day. (more) |
David Boyd
I purchased my Slipstream back in May 2004 but for health, weather, etc. reasons I did not really start riding it until mid June. It was a very rainy year but owing to a very mild November and beginning December, I rode a total of seven "last rides of the season," the last day being December 9th 2004. Once the salt is on the roads here in northwestern New York I refuse to take the bike out again until several good rains wash the salt away. I rode: (more) |
Bryan J. Ball, ’Bentrider Online
Some bikes are just addicting. I’m sure that all of you hardcore ‘BentHeads know exactly what I mean. They may not be the fastest, the prettiest, the lightest, the best handling or even the most comfortable but nonetheless they’re the ones that keep you up at night. They’re the bikes that call to you when you walk into the garage. The bikes that you stare at and the ones whose virtues you preach when you talk to your recumbent riding friends. Even though I get to taste every flavor of recumbent drug there is, I admit that I still have my vices. (more)
Bryan J. Ball, ’Bentrider Online
I remember a series of verses in the bible that read, "So and so begat somebody and they begat some more people and they begat somebody else." (This is not an exact translation). This biblical lineage is probably only slightly longer that of the Longbikes Slipstream. (more) |
Bryan J. Ball
For a few years, the long wheelbase market in the US was pretty dead. Old stalwarts like the RANS Stratus and Easy Racers Tour Easy were doing as well as ever, but there weren’t too many major new players on the block. In fact many of them were disappearing. (more) |
Eliminator reviews
Bryan J. Ball, ’Bentrider Online
As most of you who frequently peruse the Internet know, the first handful of Longbikes Eliminator SWB's are trickling into dealers. Peter at the Bicycle Man in Alfred, New York, was one of the lucky few to receive one of the first and he let me take it out and put it through its paces. (more) |
Bryan J. Ball, ’Bentrider Online
There are a lot of recumbent riders using their bikes for serious cross country touring. In fact it’s long been the opinion of many observers that we should be trying to convert touring riders to recumbents instead of concentrating on the hard core roadie set as some of the major manufacturers are. Recumbents are comfortable for the back-to-back-to-back-to-back long distance days that touring cyclists regularly put in and the usual hurdles in touring bike design (weight distribution, rack design, ability to accept fenders, etc.) have largely been sorted out on many recumbents. But despite the increasing crossover appeal, there are very few truly touring-specific recumbents out there. Many ’bents are easily converted to this purpose but the only companies that are almost singularly focused on this segment are HPVelotechnik, Linear, and Longbikes. (more) |